Risk. Strategy. Sustainability.

Helping leaders to operate responsibly and drive sustainability forward.

Welcome to Wesben Global

Powering the energy transition through our suite of business advisory, project support and fractional CSO services.

We work with companies, investors, government and community organizations across the mining, energy, natural resource, and clean tech sectors. Together with our clients, we assess sustainability risks and opportunities, and develop programs for a cleaner and safer energy future.

Our Story

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We are driven by the power of community connection as the foundation for sustainable investment and growth.

We work at the intersection of industry, investor, government, and community interactions to de-risk projects, gain license to operate and drive better business performance.

We are driven by the power of community connection as the foundation for sustainable investment and growth. We work at the intersection of industry, investor, government, and community interactions to de-risk projects, gain license to operate and drive better business performance.

Strategic Initiatives

How do you deliver strategic initiatives that are backed by purpose? Know your audience. Engage early and engage often. Measure the right things. Keep an open mind. Our strategic initiatives practice can help you to align needs and values to actions and move the dial from intention to impact.

ESG Advisory

The ESG and regulatory landscape is evolving, but what does this mean for your business? We can support you to translate sustainability risks and opportunities, determine impacts and improve your ESG performance.

Disaster Recovery

What is your plan for when things don’t go according to plan? Big projects have big impacts, and even bigger implications. A well-practiced and properly communicated emergency response program will prepare your team to act quickly and minimize disruption.

CSO Services

Are you ready to onboard a full time CSO? If not, our fractional sustainability service offers you a seasoned sustainability executive to embed in your business and meet your sustainability needs.

Project Lifecycle Management

Our team works to maintain project scope, timelines, and budget, tracking risks and opportunity along the way. As your delivery partner, we work alongside you through the design, build and execution of your business and project needs.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional and ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We respect and recognize the inherent rights of all Indigenous people across this land. Our relationship emphasizes peace, friendship, and understanding, and we actively commit to enhance our learning to improve our relations with Indigenous People.

Toronto Office

150 King Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, ON M5H 1J9

Halifax Office

1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 1300
McInnes Cooper Tower – Purdy’s Wharf
Halifax, NS, B3J 2V1